Image, Impression, Personal Brand…

Why is image important? Have you ever stared into your closet, maybe not feeling your best self that day, and just decided you wanted to be comfortable?  You then get to work and realize there is a meeting where upper management will be present.  You are suddenly aware of and self-conscious about your wardrobe choice.  It has happened to me more than once – and you?

I sat down recently with Diana Jennings (an entrepreneur and personal brand strategist) to understand why image awareness is important.  This is especially true if you find you are not making progress in your career or job search.  When you are new to an organization or are looking to make a first impression during an interview, the cold, hard truth is that your image and your personal brand is everything.

Diana emphasizes that image is critical, especially on those “I don’t care what I’m wearing” kind of days.    My office environment is casual, but casual doesn’t mean sloppy.  Since meeting Diana I have decided to dress as though the president of the company is going to call me into his office at any time.  Each morning I will look in the mirror and ask, “Am I presenting the image I want to portray?”  Diana strongly believes in the four universal affects of image.  Say these words to yourself tomorrow when you are getting dressed for work!

  1.  What you wear affects how you think.
  2. How you think affects how you feel ( confidence!).
  3. How you feel affects how you act and behave.
  4. How you act and behave, affects how others will respond to you.

How and why should you create a personal brand?  As I learned this week, you don’t really create but you develop your brand over time.  It is something that stays with you as you move forward in your career.  One of the first questions I asked was how does one stay authentic while developing a personal brand?  Diana explained to me that the foundation is one of self-awareness:  your education, your experience, the results you have achieved, your verbal communication style as well as your non-verbal cues all contribute to your personal brand.  Time for a little soul searching…

  •  How do you feel about yourself?  Are you projecting confidence?  As we all know, our physical attributes do not define us but a polished and professional image will most definitely have an impact on how others perceive us.  Diana reminds us to “…make certain that your verbal and non-verbal messaging are in alignment with who you are…”
  • Do you project energy?  We are competing with millennials for the same jobs.  How we show up sends a message to others.  Even in a casual environment, we can choose to be polished and professional.  This non-verbal messaging indicates we are competent, professional, strong and energetic.
  • Does your career need a jump start?  Ms. Jennings would tell you, “Through the development of a strong personal brand, you increase your visibility with the people who need to know about you, and strengthen your credibility by demonstrating the value you bring through everything you do and communicate.”

I encourage you to reach out to Diana Jennings for guidance on how to create the image you want to project, as well as how to enhance your personal brand.   Why?  Because you should be showing the world how fabulous you are – be strong!


About Andrea Drino

Andrea re-entered the workplace after a brief hiatus, and is currently working and living in Southern California. Due to the challenges she faced in searching for a new job, in acclimating to a culture that has changed significantly over the last few years, and in having to re-establish credibility despite her success with prior companies, has provided her with a new purpose: provide support, encouragement and guidance to other woman over 50 who feel they do not have a choice. As a fabulous mentor of Andrea's often said: set your life up so you have choices, and always remember - be strong!

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