New Year’s Resolutions or a New Opportunity?

The holiday season will soon be behind us, and no doubt you will be asked if you have made any New Year’s resolutions.  I have decided that with a new year comes the very unique opportunity to reinvent myself.  I think I am up to the challenge.

Now, I am not talking about going on a fad diet or trying to commit to 60 minutes a day of workouts (how long does that ever last anyway?) – I am talking about reflecting upon who I am and who I really want to be.  If I am honest with myself, the top three ‘opportunities’ I have for self-improvement are as follows:  try to not take everything so personally, try to be less OCD and not sweat the small stuff, and to be proud of my strengths instead of dwelling on my weaknesses  – all tough things for me to readily embrace.

What about you?  Putting aside traditional New Year’s resolutions – what would you like to work on in 2018?  What new attitude or approach to life would help you to be more comfortable in your own skin?  What changes in your thoughts and interactions with friends, family and colleagues will help you feel better about yourself, more confident and ready to face new challenges with great enthusiasm instead of fear or anxiety?  Take some time to come up with your list – feel free to borrow from mine if they relate to you:

  1.  Don’t take everything personally.  This is something as women we tend to do more than men, especially in the work place.  I will try and take thoughtful criticism for what it is – advice as to how I can do and be better.  I am not perfect and therefore criticism from people I respect should be looked upon as an opportunity to grow.
  2. Try and be less OCD.  I do sweat the small stuff – it can drive me and everyone around me crazy if I am not careful.  I think the Serenity Prayer was made for people like me.  I need to remind myself that there are things I can control and things I cannot.  That is OK.
  3. Be proud of my strengths instead of focusing on my weaknesses.  This is a tough one for me.  Nobody is harder on me than I am on myself.  I commit to myself that I will celebrate my successes (even the small ones) and look at my disappointments as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Share with me your commitments to yourself for 2018, and remember that in order to take care of others you need to first take care of yourself.  You are fabulous, you are strong, and you are worth the effort to be your best self.  Happy New Year!







About Andrea Drino

Andrea re-entered the workplace after a brief hiatus, and is currently working and living in Southern California. Due to the challenges she faced in searching for a new job, in acclimating to a culture that has changed significantly over the last few years, and in having to re-establish credibility despite her success with prior companies, has provided her with a new purpose: provide support, encouragement and guidance to other woman over 50 who feel they do not have a choice. As a fabulous mentor of Andrea's often said: set your life up so you have choices, and always remember - be strong!

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