The Survey Results Are In! They May Surprise You…

Thank you to those who took a few minutes to complete the recent survey!  For those who haven’t, it literally takes a minute.  The survey is still open, and I invite you to participate: FabCareers.

The questions I asked were the result of women reaching out to me over the last two years, indicating they were tired of pursuing a career.  At this point, many were saying they are ready to move away from a career to a job.  It prompted me to write Job, Career or Calling? and to create a survey so I could better understand what our community is feeling about the next phase in life.

The Results Are In!

  • Over 90% of the women who completed the survey are 45-65 years old
  • Women from 20 US States participated
  • Less than 30% are pursuing our calling; 55% have a job, which is necessary to pay the bills
  • When asked if you are ready to move away from pursuing your career to holding a job, it was surprising 50/50% split decision
  • If the opportunity presented itself, 65% of you would pursue your calling even if it meant a reduction in pay
  • Currently, 42% of you feel negatively about your work (13% positive, 45% neutral)
  • In terms of retirement, 40% wish to retire between 65-69 years old, and a surprising 35% do not plan on retiring until they are 70+.
  • 98% of you would work part time post-retirement (pursuing your calling), as the additional income would be welcomed

Where Am I?

This week I will be 55 years old.  I know that I need to plan on working at least another 10 years if not more.  Based on the survey results, you are with me.  We cannot take the ‘early retirement’ that our parents took.  You likely do not have a pension unless you work for the government or a government sponsored institution.  A recent study indicates that 44% of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers risk running short of funds for retirement.  I am lucky.  As soon as I started working after college my Father encouraged me to contribute to the company’s 401K and I have been doing so for over 30 years.  I know I am in the minority.

Former Senator Heidi Heitkamp says in a recent article, “The dirty little secret is that government can provide all the incentives in the world for workers and families to save for retirement.  But none of it will matter unless those workers and families make saving for retirement a priority as well.”  Many in our generation stopped or slowed contributions to their 401K after the crash of 2008.  Let’s make these next 10-15 years count!

When I first started this blog, I wrote about The Dichotomy that Exists in Our Society.  It is real, and while I have another 10-12 years before retirement I recognize the younger team members in my company may see me as on my way out.  But, I am just getting started!  I am taking a leap of faith and pursuing both a career and calling with my new job.  If you want to read more about retirement in America today, read Senator Heitkamp’s article A Looming Retirement Crisis.

Now, more then ever, remember you are fabulous.  Be strong!




About Andrea Drino

Andrea re-entered the workplace after a brief hiatus, and is currently working and living in Southern California. Due to the challenges she faced in searching for a new job, in acclimating to a culture that has changed significantly over the last few years, and in having to re-establish credibility despite her success with prior companies, has provided her with a new purpose: provide support, encouragement and guidance to other woman over 50 who feel they do not have a choice. As a fabulous mentor of Andrea's often said: set your life up so you have choices, and always remember - be strong!

One thought on “The Survey Results Are In! They May Surprise You…

  1. I am so glad you started this blog I am 56 and I recently started looking for a job after 8 years as business owner I really would like to find a job in the non-profit sector

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