Do You Seek Happiness or Peacefulness?

“Would you rather ride the crests and troughs, or step off the emotional rollercoaster for a more permanent state of bliss?”

What is peacefulness? Should I aim for happiness or for peace? What is the difference between the two? In searching for the answer myself I came across an article from the Executive Editor with The Times of India. Vinita Dawra Nangia responded to that question from a woman with: “Happiness is ephemeral, fleeting, and is dependent on external stimulants, whereas peace is more a lasting state of mind that comes from within. I am not sure if it is a choice, but between the two I would aim for peace, since that would presume happiness. Being happy need not mean you are peaceful.”

My parents taught to be thankful for what I have. We were all reminded that there are those who are less fortunate. There are those who would give anything to have the life that we have. As adults we know this to be true. What we are not taught, but I believe to be true, is that our personal struggles are not invalid just because there are people out there who may be facing even greater challenges.

Our own struggles are real, and valid and deserving of attention. I believe in helping others where I can, and I know there are many less fortunate than me. I always tell the women of this community to ‘be strong.’ Why? Because I sometimes have to remind myself that strength will get me through the rough patches. If I am strong I can not only help myself but I will have the ability to help others. But just like you, I sometimes struggle to find inner peace when life brings me the opposite.

Vinita Dawra Nangia also tells us that “Happiness seeks company; peace is content with aloneness. One looks outwards and towards others to seek happiness, but peace can only be achieved when you look inwards. You cannot achieve peace without understanding your own self and your motivators. How can you be happy unless you are sure and confident of who or what you are?”

Below you will find her 7-point mantra for achieving both happiness and peace (she does not believe they are mutually exclusive). I now carry it with me and encourage you to do the same. Pull it out when you need the reminder:

  1. Celebrate being yourself
  2. Carve time for those who matter
  3. Be grateful for small blessings
  4. Do not hold grudges
  5. Be on the move, towards higher levels of fearlessness & creativity
  6. Look at life for opportunities, not constraints
  7. Keep shedding limitations; keep raising the bar

I love the section of the article that states, “Happiness is laughter and noise seeking more fun; peacefulness leans back in comfort.” A dear friend of mine just started her own blog. She told me she feels the need to share the things that give her joy. She too is striving to make certain nobody feels alone in their struggles. Since I believe friends will get you through anything, and we should support one another as we embark on new journeys, I ask you to take a look at SeekNoMore. Be at peace, stay fabulous and be strong.

About Andrea Drino

Andrea re-entered the workplace after a brief hiatus, and is currently working and living in Southern California. Due to the challenges she faced in searching for a new job, in acclimating to a culture that has changed significantly over the last few years, and in having to re-establish credibility despite her success with prior companies, has provided her with a new purpose: provide support, encouragement and guidance to other woman over 50 who feel they do not have a choice. As a fabulous mentor of Andrea's often said: set your life up so you have choices, and always remember - be strong!

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