Feel Better! Mood-Boosting Foods You Will Want to Eat!

During times of stress, our mind and body need extra care. Mood-boosting foods are foods that help release the “feel good” hormones, and provide our body with the nutrition it needs to keep us strong.

In addition to the food choices themselves, try to eat smaller meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar level steady. You know those commercials that reference the fact that we all become “divas” when we are hungry? It’s true! When our blood sugar drops because we haven’t eaten or we aren’t eating the right things, we all turn into divas. It usually is not pretty.

Here are a few recommendations from nutritionists who recognize food is both fuel and medicine, when we are going through stressful times:

  • Eat a light chicken Caesar salad or grilled salmon for B12 and Folic Acid. Both prevent nervous system and mood disorders.
  • Eat selenium-rich foods every day. Selenium acts like an antioxidant. Higher amounts of selenium in your body decreases depression symptoms. Try nuts, seeds and seafood.
  • Get your daily dose of vitamin D! If you cannot sit in the sun, try salmon, tuna or cheese.
  • Treat yourself to dark chocolate. It has a positive effect on our endorphins. Caution: 1 oz. is the recommended dose, not an entire box in one sitting. I know – that’s the hard part.

In order to work additional nutrition into my meals, I created a seed and nut mixture that I keep on my counter and sprinkle on top of everything. It adds texture, nutrition and great flavor, and helps with digestion. If you are looking for a quick nutritional fix to add to pasta, smoothies, salads, etc. here is my recipe:

Toast separately in a dry skillet, equal parts of:

  • White sesame seeds (supports bone health and acts as an anti-inflammatory)
  • Unsalted, shelled pistachios (low fat, promotes healthy skin, full of anti-oxidants)
  • Fennel seeds (aids digestion, boosts metabolism and reduces water retention)
  • Anise seeds (full of calcium, iron and more anti-oxidants)

Place the pistachios, fennel and anise seeds in a spice grinder and grind briefly. You don’t want a powder – you want the crunch! Store in a glass jar on your counter so it is always in reach. It can be used in savory or sweet dishes.   I am thinking about working this into Christmas cookies this year – I figure holiday treats then become Healthy-Ish, right?  For other ideas on mood-boosting foods check out Women’s Health.

Feel good, feel fabulous, and be strong!



About Andrea Drino

Andrea re-entered the workplace after a brief hiatus, and is currently working and living in Southern California. Due to the challenges she faced in searching for a new job, in acclimating to a culture that has changed significantly over the last few years, and in having to re-establish credibility despite her success with prior companies, has provided her with a new purpose: provide support, encouragement and guidance to other woman over 50 who feel they do not have a choice. As a fabulous mentor of Andrea's often said: set your life up so you have choices, and always remember - be strong!

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